Festival Danza Estate è curato da 23/C ART
via Don Luigi Palazzolo 23/c
Bergamo, Italia
C.F/P.IVA 02887360168
© Festival Danza Estate 2019 | 23/C Art Soc. Coop. | Cookie Policy | Privacy Policy | Credits
Paesaggio Invisibile
Coproduction FDE – prima nazionale
Playground is a choreographic device which is part of the Madrelingua project, a site-specific research into sound and performance which involves communities in a perspective of ecological permeability.
Playground is based on the relationship between dance and natural landscape and on meetings between professional performers with both children and the elderly, through site-specific workshops with local people. Bodies with different rhythms, dynamics and postures intermingle generating a new landscape within a landscape. The choreography unfolds putting together human movement with the complexity of planes and volumes in the space. The dance persists through perspectives and strength lines of the landscape, and draws the observer’s eye to openness and distance.
The performance has grown out of the Paesaggio#1,PLAYGROUND BERGAMO special project. Participation is free but booking is required at festivaldanzaestate.it, on the event page.
Registration HERE
Il luogo della performance verrà comunicato a seguito della prenotazione
Concept, coreografia e regia Marta Bichisao e Vincenzo Schino
Con Marta Bichisao, C.L.Grugher, Pablo Tapia Leyton, Luca Piomponi, Simone Scibilia
e con un gruppo di persone anziane e un gruppo di bambine e bambini
Produzione PinDoc, OPERA BIANCO
Coproduzione Festival Danza Estate, Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria
Con il sostegno di Arci/Narni Scalo